Mastering Physical Movement of People
Presented by Construction Specialities and Mays-Maune-Mcward, Inc.
Service Description
Construction Specialties and Mays, Maune, McWard, Inc. Present: Interior Solution: Mastering the Physical Movement of People The performance and appearance of interior spaces within commercial buildings have a measurable impact on occupant satisfaction, performance, and well-being. These elements also have a direct impact on the preservation and performance of the building. In this presentation we look at how to protect interiors of buildings from the movement of people offering solutions that contribute to productive, comfortable, safe, and resilient interiors. We also look at how these systems can enhance facility functions, particularly in healthcare, retail, and educational settings. 'Learning Objectives: -Discuss the obstacles hindering entrance and building interior performance and safety. -Explain the systems that support interior building performance and occupant health, hygiene, and safety. -Recognize how aesthetic design can support occupant comfort. -Specify integrated entrance and building interior systems to enhance design and support the wellbeing of the occupants. AIA Credit: 1LU / HSW IDECC Credit: 1LU / HSW
Contact Details
540 Axminister Dr. Fenton, MO 63026